For over forty-five years, our organization has been working with children of ALL abilities to ensure they get the best oportunity for success. Over the years there have been many different avenues for service delivery. We currently have three options for families. You can choose one or all three, depending on your familiy's needs.
We offer day care, therapy, and a Montessori preschool & kindergarten programs. For more information on our Montessori Program, you may visit our website at We are in the process of restructuring our therapy program and look to relaunch it in early 2012, being better able to serve those families that fall the cracks in the Medicaid or private insurance net. For now, children can still receive their therapy in their daycare rooms or indivudally with their specific therapists at our facility.
We began our daycare in 2006 because several of the families we saw in our therapy program were in need of a childcare center that was inclusive of children with special needs.
The Early Learning Center * 150 Maryland Avenue, Winchester, KY 40391 * phone: (859) 744-3183 fax: (859) 744-4403 * email: